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Kathy Hassinger

Artistic Resume


Dances / Performances / Productions

  • Rewilding, September 2021. Performed for Dance for World Community, September 2021. Choreography, Kathy Hassinger. Music, Amy Hassinger and Joy Yang, dancers: Janelle Gilchrist, Alex Jimenez, and Avery Saulnier de Reyes.

  • Sicut Cervus  May, 2021, created for the Kirby Laing Center for Theology in England. The title of the performance was “Full Circle”. Emily Heimstra composed the music and the dancers were: Whitney Cover, Kirsten Glaser, Alex Jimenez, and Odessa Rain.

  • “For. the Children”, the music is by Evard Grieg, six of his lyric pieces.   Performed June 11, 2019, 3pm at The Scandinavian Cultural Center, Newton, MA, and June 14, 8pm at Integrarte, Jamaica Plain with Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra.  We also performed the entire piece as part of an award ceremony with the Boston Socio-Economic Committee at Brown Junior High School on June 15, 2018 and The Dance Complex as part of their festival of Us, You, We and Them, June 23rd, 2019.  We showed the first two sections December 9, 2018 in an open rehearsal at Integrarte in Jamaica Plain.  The piece was dedicated to those who are forced to leave their country and faced with the loss of their children.

  • "Gathering Light"  a collaboration with Dance Currents Inc. and Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra of Boston.  "Santons",  Music:  "Suite Antique" by John Rutter, "Malinconia" by Jean Sibelius and "Dayspring" by Del Case.  (All music played live and the first and third pieces were danced).  Choreographer:  Kathy Hassinger, dancers:  Lauren Previte, Ali Smith, Meredith Wells, Avery Saulnier de Reyes, Mitzi Eppley, Jen Passios.  Muscians:  Rebecca Plummer, piano, Steve Laven, cello, Sue-Ellen Hershman Tcherepnin, flute and Todd Brunel, clarinetist.   March 9, 2018 at Integrarte, and March 11, 2018 at Scandinavian Living Center.

  • 100 Years of Modern Dance/The Test of Time, a dance concert presented by Dance Currents Inc. presenting nine pieces by historic Modern choreographers and a panel discussing how Modern Dance withstands the test of time. The venue is Green Street Studios, Friday November 17 and Saturday, November 18, 2017.  Dancers:  Janelle Gilchrist, guest artist, and Dance Currents dancers, Samantha Govoni, Lauren Previte, Avery Saulnier de Reyes, Ali Smith and Meredith Wells.  Panelists:  Iris Fanger, dance historian, critic and writer will be moderating on Friday night with Peter DiMuro, Marcus Schulkind, Rebecca Rice, Marsha Parilla, Jesse Stinett and Jenna Pollack as panelists.   Merli Guerra of The Arts Fuse will be moderating on Saturday night, with Marcus Schulkind, Margot Parsons, Joan Block, Jenna Pollack, Ali Smith and Whitney Cover as panelists.  Musicians:  Mare Clement, vocalist and Robin Cho pianist.

  • "Weather Permitting", Music- Debussy, Choreographer- Kathy Hassinger, Dancers- Fhi Bado, Jean Le Clerc, Ali Smith, May 22, 2015 as part of the Newton Festival of the Arts, Newton Dance Concert, Newton Highlands Congregational Church.

  • "Crossing", (Dedicated to those who are crossing to new lands under the night wind), Music:  "The Night Wind" by Nikolai Medtner, Choreographer - Kathy Hassinger, and Dancers:  Fhi Bado, Whitney Cover, and Li-Ann Lim.  Newton Festival of the Arts, Newton Dance Concert, Newton Highlands Congregational Church, May 22, 2015.  Also performed at The Dance Complex as part of aMaSSiTT, November 21 and 22, 2016 with other artists.

  • "Dream Catchers", choreography:  Kathy Hassinger.  Dancers:  Fhi Bado, Ali Smith, Lauren Previte and Dahne Yatanes.  Music:  Gabriel Faure played live by Brady Millican, pianist and Yuji Kano, flutist.  Newton City Dance Concert, May 17, 2015 at Newton Highlands Congregational Church, Newton, MA with Sunanda Narayanan, CreationDance, SELMADANSE, and Dance Currents Inc. 

  • "Drawn In", a collaboration between poet Stanley Plumly, artists Robert Murrell and Dean Capper, Kathy Hassinger, choreographer and Dance Currents Inc., as well as choreographer Ali Smith and guest artists from DanceVisions.  January 31, 2015.

  • Spring Celestials, Dance Currents Inc. with Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra of Boston, March 13 at First Church Cambridge, and March 16th at Newton City Hall.

  • Next Steps, a fundraiser for Green Street Studios, with Boston Choreographers, January 26, 2014.

  • A Series of Sunday Afternoon Dance Concerts at Green Street Studios 2012-2013 season.  May 12, 2013.  Charge the Air.  Live Music and Dance, 2 Premieres ("Tok", and "Braiding").  Live Music of Saint Saens, Flute and Harp and Corelli, Piano and Violin.  March 17, 2013.  Chaos or Connection, Living the Legacy of Modern Dance.  A movie in the making, dances of Isadora Duncan, Jose Limon, Robert Battle and Marcus Schulkind as well as a panel discussion on the state of Modern Dance moderated by Iris Fanger.  December 9, 2012.  Angels Afoot.  Dance and Live Music by Peter Zay to Bach's Cello Suite in D major, as well as dances to Corelli's Christmas Concerto and Farrenc and Boulanger. 

  • A Mother’s Day Concert of Dance and Music, May 13, 2012, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Brookline, MA

  • The Haiku Project, March 16 and 17, 2012, The Dance Concert, The Julie Ince Thompson Theatre, 536 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA

  • Flowering Vine, April, 2011, at The Dance Complex, The Julie Ince Thompson Theatee, 536 Mass Ave., Cambridge, MA

  • Dance for World Community, June 2011, 2010, and June 6, 2009, at Jose Mateo Ballet Theater.  Limon Etude, Parson’s Etude and Rainbow Etude, 2010, and Songbird and Soldiers, 2009.

  • One Hundred Years of Modern Dance, January 9 and 30, 2011, at Cambridge YMCA, Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA.

  • Myths, Memories, and Shadows of Morning, March 26 and 27, 2010 at The Dance Complex, The Julie Ince Thompson Theatre, 536 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA

  • Ceres and Persephone, January 23 and 24 at the Dance Complex as part of On Common Ground, a Shared Choreographer’s Concert.  Music:  Haydn String Quartet in G major.

  • Dayspring, a collaboration with Dr. Delvyn Case, March 28th, 2009, as part of the Musica Eclectica Series at Eastern Nazarene College, and another full program March 4th, 2008 at Eastern Nazarene College as part of their Musica Eclectica Series.

  • Dance Currents on Sunday Afternoon, Brookline Tai Chi, 1615 Beacon St., Brookline, MA 8/17/08. Works by Carol Cheung, Kathy Hassinger, Sunny Hitt and Margot Parsons.

  • Tuesday’s at Noon.  May 6, 2008  as part of Dance Month in Cambridge, the lunchtime series at the Dance Complex, sponsored by  Coldwell Bankers, our own program.  

  • The Songbird and the Soldiers, December 18 & 19, 2008 for The Holiday Show at the Dance Complex.  

  • Dance Currents, performed with Brady Millican, pianist and Colin Benn, violist.  Green Street Studio July 26, 2007 as announcement of incorporation.

  • Bach and the Danceperformed by the Kathy Hassinger Dance Company and violist Colin Benn, March 23, 2007 at Eliot Church, Newton.

  • Sarabande , Gavotte, and  Gigue from Bach and the Dance, October 12, 2007 for ArtsCentral, Central Square Business Association, and October 28, 2007 for Mixed Space in Lowell, Ma.

  • Currents of Contemporary DanceDecember 8, 2006, at Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center.  A program of Ms. Hassinger’s work as well as work by Donald McKayle, David Parsons, and Anna Sokolow.  Premire of "Oasis", by Ms. Hassinger to Beethoven's Piano Sonata #32, opus 111, Arieta, Adagio Molto.

  • Bridging the Gulf, A concert of dance and music to raise funds for the victims of Katrina through Turkey Creek Community Initiatives organized by Lizz Cannon, Kathy Hassinger and Margo Morado, October 7, 2006 at the Somerville Theater.

  • The Holiday Show, The Dance Complex, December, 2005.  Waylaid,  choreographed by Kathy Hassinger.

  • Three Modern Choreographers at Triskelion Arts, Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn NY, July 16, 2005.  Kathy Hassinger as producer and Carol Cheung, Kathy Hassinger and Ellen Sinopoli as choreographers.  Premiered Clash to Aaron Copland’s Piano Variations.

  • Dances to the Music of Archangelo Corelli, Dance Complex, November 5 and 6, 2004, Kathy Hassinger as producer and choreographer. Premiered Pulse, to Corelli’s “Follia.” Selections of Corelli's Sonatas and the Follia played live by Karine Bagadasarian, harpsichord and Caroline Lieber, violin. The program was repeated as an educational program on April 10, 2005 at Newton Country Day, and one section Emergence was performed on March 6th at Casa Nia as part of a Tsunami benefit for Oxfam.

  • Choreographer’s Showcase, The Dance Complex:  January, 2006,Waylaid.  February, 2004, Skylight.  January, 2003, Penumbra.  January, 2002, The Birth. October, 2001. The Call.   October 2000, Women Waiting.   October 1999.  Pointe Vierge.  April 1999; Argonauta.

Dance Reconstructions   

  • Battle Etude, by Robert Battle for Dance Currents, Inc. 4/2011, 6/2011, 3/12, 11/17

  • Limon Etude by Carla Maxwell for Hannah Blitzblau, Li-Ann Lim, Samantha Govoni, Avery Saulnier dr Reyes, Meredith Wells of Dance Currents, Inc.

  • Rooms Etude by Anna Sokolow for Deborah Friedes of Kathy Hassinger Dance Company.

  • Rainbow Etude,by Donald McKayle for Aiko Ruch, Li-Ann Lim, Dondre Taylor-Stewart, Janelle Gilchrist, Samantha Govoni, Ali Smith of Dance Currents Inc.

  • Parsons Etude, by David Parsons for Anna Bergren, Hannah Blitzblau, Gabriela Beccara, Genevieve Basu, Meredith Wells, Jen Cote'Li-Ann Lim, Nicole Kedaroe of Dance Currents Inc.

  • Incense, by Ruth St. Denis for Edra Toth, Boston Dance Company and Samantha Govoni, Jen Cote' and Lindsay Jarvis from Dance Currents Inc.

  • The Pond, The Cage, by Anna Sokolow for Ben Cortez, Sokolow dancer as well as Carol Cheung, Avery Saulnier de Reyes, and Meredith Wells from Dance Currents Inc.


Professional Dance or Theater Companies


  • Artistic Director of Dance Currents, Inc. (1999-2007 the group was called the Kathy Hassinger Dance Company).   Dance Currents incorporated in November, 2008.  (choreographer).

  • Dance Visions, under the direction of Margot Parsons.  1981-1999. (performer and choreographer)

  • Boston Liturgical Dance Ensemble, under the direction of Rev. Robert Ver Eecke S.J.  1980-1989. (performer).

  • Public Theater, summer shows. 1984-1986. (performer)

  • Dorothy Hershkowitz and Company 1980-1982. (performer)

  • Village Dance Arts Theater under the direction of Toni Carrion. 1970-1975 (performer and choreographer)

  • Washington Dancers in Repertory under the direction of Ethel Butler, former Graham dancer. 1971/1972. (performer).


  • “Boston Dance Alliance Newsletter” November, 1998.  Dance in Boston Schools. Volume 8 #6, Building Bridges:  Science, Funding and Dance.

  • “ Network Journal of Education”, 1995, volume 6.  Book Review on Art, Mind, and Education by Howard Gardner and David Perkins.

  • (Dance Currents Inc. is working on a film entitled  "Living the Legacy of Modern Dance".  The second rough cut is due Labor Day, 2018).

Teaching Experience

  • Instructor at Emerson College for Perspectives in World Dance (2008-2016) and Ballet (December 2012- May 2012).

  • Dance Teacher for the DARTS program, sponsored by the Boston   Symphony, July 5-10, 2009

  • Cambridge Dance in the Schools, Fletcher Maynard, Cambridge Public School, March 2009.

  • Part time faculty of Emerson Colleger, Dance History, “Perspectives in World Dance”, Emerson College, 120 Boylston St, Boston, Ma.  02116.   January, 2008-present.

  • Choreographer for Salve Regina Dance Company, Dance Extensions.  September, 2008-February, 2008.

  • Ballet Teacher, Jose  Mateo Ballet Theater, September 21,2010 –May, 2011

  • Taught Workshops in Early Modern Dance at The Dance Complex, Cambridge, MA,   March-April 2010, Deborah Mason Studio, Cambridge, Ma.July, 2008, and The Ballet Space, Framingham, Ma. August, 2008.

  • Teacher and teaching assistant for Boston Ballet’s City Dance Program.  September, 2007 – May,2008.                  

  • Head of Dance Department, Ballet, Modern Dance, History and Choreography instructor at Newton Country Day School, Newton, MA. 02458. September 1990 to June, 2007.                                                                   

  • Dance teacher and choreographer with City Mission Society at the Hurley School and Mackey School in Boston 1986-1993.

  • Children’s dance and exercise teacher at the Sporer Studio, Cambridge 1988-1990.

  • Choreographer and dance teacher for Watertown Children’s theater, 1986-1990.

  • Dance teacher at Buckingham, Browne and Nichols School, 1981-1985.

  • Dance teacher (children’s classes, Modern, and Ballet) Newton Arts Center 1978-1983.


Awards/ Appointments Received

  • NULA, Newton Universal Legendary Award. 2019. Master in Community Entertainment. Awarded by Boston Socio-Economic Committee.

  • Kathy Hassinger is currently serving on the Newton Cultural Council, appointed by Mayor Ruth Ann Fuller

  • Emerson College awarded Kathy Hassinger with a $750 grant for professional development funds for her movie,  "Living the Legacy of Modern Dance"

  • Received a Terrific Teacher Award from the Calesea  Foundation for encouraging self-esteem in students.  (1993) Successfully completed a project to bolster self-esteem with the $500 award.


  • Boston College:  MAT in History awarded December, 1994.

  • Goddard College:  Masters of Arts (Dance) awarded August 1986.

  • Skidmore College:  BA in History/Philosophy awarded June 1969.


  Dance Workshops Attended

  • August, 2005 attended “Dancing Rebels” workshop at Skidmore College/National Museum of Dance, put on by American Dance Legacy Institute,

  • Terre O’ Connor choreography workshop at Green Street Studio, March 2005.

  • Risa Steinberg’s Limon workshop in technique, repertory and methodology June, 2004.  

  • Teachers workshops at National Ballet of Canada, summer 2004, John White’s Vaganova workshop, summer 1997.

  • American Dance Legacy workshop at American Dance Festival, summer 2000.

  • Elementary Certificate in Labanotation received 1996. 

  • Jill Beck’s Stepping Into Dance History, summer 1994 at American Dance   Festival.


References Available on Request