Photographers or institutions that hold the Family Tree Photos:

a. Isadora Portrait: NYPL, Jerome Robbins Dance Collection.

b. Ruth St. Denis: Motoyoshi, H.T.

c. Ted Shawn portrait: NYPL, Jerome Robbins Dance Collection.

d. Katherine Dunham: Annemarie Heinrich, KATHERINE DUNHAM ARCHIVE

e. Martha Graham: Barbara Morgan

f. Doris Humphrey: Barbara Morgan

g. Charles Weidman: Barbara Morgan

h. Anna Sokolow: The Sokolow Foundation

i. The New Dance Group: First program cover

j. Jóse Limón: Jóse Limon Dance Foundation

k. Paul Taylor: The Paul Taylor Dance Foundation

l. Merce Cunningham: Dance Magazine, April 1961, no known photographer

m. David Parsons: Lois Greenfield

n. Alvin Ailey: Carl Van Vechten

o. Mark Morris: Beatrice Schiller

p. Robert Battle: Andrew Eccles

q. Twyla Tharp: 1981